2023 in Review

Have you heard this quote from Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal?

He said: “There is nothing that is equal to knowledge if the intention is correct”.

And it’s true,

An Nabi (pbuh) even told us that whoever goes out in search of knowledge, Allah would pave for them a path to jannah [Sunan Abi Dawud]

What an incredible reward, and you don’t have to travel across the world to get it,

You can gain that reward wherever you are by surrounding yourself with knowledge…

2023 in Review:

1. How Tahajjud removes Stress & Sins:


2. Remember Allah much:


3. Prescription of Fasting:


4. Tying our Hearts to Akhirah:


5. This is for you:


6. His vision did not swerve:


7. How you invest your Time impacts your Happiness:


8. The Blessings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh):


9. Allah’s greatest Gift to us:


10. Life by Dua:


11. Why have a Reflective practice:


12. The Formula of Ease:


13. Trusting Allah: The Essence of Faith


14. Ten tactics of shaytan:


Why have a Reflective practice?

Become a human being instead of a human doing.

Here are 5 benefits:

1. Reflect on what you did. This helps you identify what you did in a particular situation.

2. Reflect on why you did it like that. Enables you to identify the factors that led to your response.

3. Reflect on whether it was effective. Holding a mirror to an experience you’ve had and reviewing the outcome leads you to…

4. Reflect on what you could do differently. Identify and consider alternative ways you could have responded to a situation

5. Plan any changes you would like to make to the way you respond to a situation.

Human ‘doings’ tend to be submerged in action and don’t spend enough time considering how they are being.

Spend a few minutes a day on a written meditative practice enables you to become a reflective being.


*Reflective beings are more thoughtful.*

He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened’ – Lazo Tzu

~Sayyidah Zaidi