If you’re looking to set new goals in 2022, your success hinges on these keystone habits – this will make or break it…

The self-help industry narrowed it down to 3 things, but believers have been habitually doing them for the last 1400 years…

1. Breathe – while this will regulate your emotions only so far, Islam teaches us to focus on Dhikr and Quran.

When you pace your recitation and focus on your Dhikr, you’re automatically regulating your breathing and unlocking its benefits.

2. Wake up early – all productivity “experts” will tell you to begin your day at 4 or 5 am. Our deen has already taught us that there is barakah in the morning.

Waking up for Fajr will unlock benefits in every area in your life: Deen, health, wealth, family, and fun too.

3. Stand up and take a break – this is embedded in our daily routine as Muslims when we must stop whatever we’re doing 5 times a day to walk away, make Wudu, and congregate in Salah.

Make these 3 keystone habits your priority, and everything else will unlock for you, in sha Allah.

-Sh. Muhammad alShareef


Life will be a roller coaster ride or a garden, you will have ups and downs and surprising turns.
But we see in the sunnah that when the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) was at his lowest, he (peace and blessings upon him), stood strong with the belief that Allah will grant him victory.

Having grand visions when we can not see farther than tomorrow can be counted as a part of our tawakkul and belief in Allah’s promise that HE will give us from what we have asked for.

Hold fast to those GRAND visions when you’re at your lowest, hold on to the promise and rope of Allah.

-Sh. Muhammad alShareef


Every human being is born with a pre-destined ‘word-count’. Just as our provisions, our actions, our lifespan, and our fate in the hereafter are written, so too is the number of words we utter above the ground.

Allāh says in the Qur’ān:
مَّا يَلْفِظُ مِن قَوْلٍ إِلَّا لَدَيْهِ رَقِيبٌ عَتِيدٌ
“Man does not utter a single word without an observer.”
(Al-Qur’ān, 50:18)

Words by their nature, can have contrasting effects. They can be memorable but also forgotten, they can enact change but also have no influence, and they can be a cause for a person’s eternal salvation but also their eternal damnation.

The Prophet (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) said:
“A person utters a word thoughtlessly (i.e. without thinking about it being good or not) and, as a result of this, he will fall down into the fire of Hell deeper than the distance between the east and the west.”
(Bukhāri and Muslim)

Imam Nawawi elaborates:
“Every legally responsible person should refrain from saying anything except when there is a clear advantage to speaking. Whenever speaking and not speaking are of equal benefit, it is sunnah to remain silent, for permissible speech easily leads to that which is unlawful or offensive, as actually happens much or even most of the time — and there is no substitute for safety.”

Therefore, remember you are being examined. Make it incumbent upon yourself, to speak only when your words are more beneficial than your silence. A rush of blood is not an excuse to speak excessively, and thus inappropriately.

Take the advice of our Prophet (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam):
مَنْ صَمَتَ نَجَا
“Whoever is silent is saved.”

Silence can save a person from slander, gossip, lying, backbiting, and swearing among other sins. Once the tongue utters the word, and those in your surroundings have been harmed, then begins the begging of forgiveness and feeling of regret.

As Umar ibn Al-Khattab said:
“I have never regretted my silence, as for my speech I’ve regretted it many times.”

Protect humanity from your tongue by exercising silence, your hereafter depends upon it.

🤲 May Allah busy our tongues with His remembrance, with His Quran and with what gains His pleasure and keep us away from idle talk and that which gains His wrath – Allahumma ameen!