Ramadan-The Month of Dua


The best therapy is the therapy of dua. Du’a is the lifeline of the believer.

The Quran starts with a DUA, not with a story nor with a warning, but with the gift of supplication. And not just any supplication, the supplication that begins with the best names of Allah and asks Allah for his guidance.

Make dua using the names of Allah that are appropriate to your dua.

Understand which name should be used for which dua. And we will only get to that level when we have studied the names of Allah. Link the correct name with what you are asking.

Have big dreams, strategize excellence, and rely on Allah. “Never lower your standard; raise your Duas.”

“It’s not about what you can do, but what Allah can do for you.”


So, Allah jalla wa ‘ala says in Yunus, 107: “If He intends good for you, no one can turn His bounty away.

You know that saying, “if you don’t ask, you don’t get”? Well in Islam, our version is a bit different: “if you don’t ask, you won’t get more”. Have you actually realised just how fortunate a position we are all in? How our Lord blesses us with so much good and ease, and no one is able to stop that or control that except Him? I mean, for starters – how incredible a favour it is from Him that we are Muslim at this moment?! And *all* of this good comes to us without any say from us, and here’s the key: without any of us even asking for it! So just imagine what could happen if we *did* actually ask. And then realise: you’re not just asking some human who might give a few times and then start to get irritated because ultimately we are a creation that loves to take and hates to give, right? No, you’re asking the Most Generous, the Most Merciful – the One Who hates to take, and the One Who *loves* to give! Honestly folks, we *so* underuse our du’a, it’s literally criminal. Not only is it an act of worship that Allah loves and we get *rewarded* for engaging in it, but via du’a we’ll protect ourselves and receive even more blessings whether in this life or the next or even both! Don’t be stingy in your du’a, be certain in your du’a, make better use of your du’a. All of what I said above can be summed up a thousand times better by a du’a that some said Imam al-Shafi’i was reported to have made:

Ya Allah, You blessed me with Islam and I didn’t ask for it. Ya Allah, bless me with Jannat’l-Firdaus and I am *asking* You for it.” Ameen.

-Sh Abu Eesa

Rasul Allah ﷺ said:

There are three whose du’aa’ is not rejected: a just ruler, the fasting person when he breaks his fast and the prayer of the oppressed person.
[Ahmad, al-Tirmithi]

🎁 A Perfect Gift
Ramadan-The Month of Dua’:

A New App
Dua’in (Supplications)

Especially designed to allow reading daily Duas in
A Fresh & Beautiful Manner

🔹 All duas (supplications) are authentic, from the Quran & Sunnah.

🔹 All duas are available in Arabic, along with Urdu & English translation, recitation and brief explanation

🔹 For easy reference, favorite duas can be tagged with heart symbol

🔹 Bookmark feature allows the reader to save the position where he left reading his daily stream of Duas, allowing him to resume reading the rest of Duas, even at a later time or day.

🔹 The fonts are also customizable to 3 different script styles and varying sizes

🔹 A special supplication, along with its recitation & explanation by Dr. Farhat Hashmi, can be received daily

📱Now available for iPhones/iPads on (iOS)Apple App Store : https://bit.ly/iosduaein


✨الحمد لله كثيراً💫✨

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